Vegan Mint Chocolate Coconut Cream Pots

dark chocolate pieces

dark chocolate pieces

chocolate filling in ramekins

A couple of years ago this was what I ate for breakfast. Admittedly, it does not seem like the healthiest breakfast, but it has mileage. Mileage is a term used in the South, or maybe just in my family, to describe food that gives energy and keeps one full. Low mileage foods typically cause hunger pains in an hour.

I also made a different version with peanut butter and tahini, leaving out the mint flavor, offering more protein. Hopefully recipe will be coming soon.

Dessert for breakfast does seem a little unhealthy, but this is way more beneficial for the body than consuming a glazed doughnut. I do recommend using a chocolate bar with a higher percentage of cacao/cacoa because that means less sugar.

Makes two ramekins. I ate half of one ramekin each day for a serving. It is super simple to make, just follow the steps.

mint chocolate creme dessert
mint chocolate creme

Dessert Recipes:


Gluten-free Tigernut Banana Bread


Chocolate Coconut Pie